
Google browser Google Chrome 8.0 publishing

According to Google Chrome official blog reports, Google today released a stable version of Chrome browser, 8 adds many new features, including built-in PDF reader, and Google upcoming Chrome Web Store application store, a user can purchase the application Flash and HTML5.

  Chrome 8 is the first fully supports Google Chrome Web Store of Chrome browser version. It is generally expected to Google Chrome will soon publish Web Store. Chrome Web Store will give you a lot in Chrome browser monk in the development of Chrome OS running on the application of free or paid.

  According to foreign sources, Google is likely to be 7 December launch Chrome application store. Analysts noted that Google would just like to take this opportunity to launch an application store, it is expected that Google will also be launched with Google Chrome operating system of the Internet.

  Chrome 8 contains more than 800 security patches, increased system stability. Users noticed a change is the built-in PDF browser. According to Google that do not need to install Adobe Reader 8, Chrome will be able to render HTML pages so as to render PDF files.

  I actually tested it Chrome 8 comes with a PDF reader, for Chinese PDF text rendering feel a little strange, colors seem to increase the effect of black, feeling slightly better than Adobe Reader, but the whole effect still can, Adobe Reader can do not need to install later. In Gmail to see PDF file still being transferred to Google Docs, but not directly open a file with 8 Chome.

  Since September 2008, Google Chrome was born in an extremely rapid release Chrome browser update. Earlier this year, the Chrome of the stable version of 4.0, but now the end of the year, Chrome browser has been updated to version 8.0.
