
Google how to collect information on the Internet

  If you ask someone what is power. Bacon would say that "knowledge is power", Google will say "information is power", someone will say "privacy is power". There is no doubt that Google has long recognized that information (data). Believe that the other companies, Internet companies, or other type of company, more or less should be aware of this. Otherwise, where it appears in the user information?

  This article mainly said Google how to collect Internet information, countless trends information and Google users (including you) information.

  That's how much you know Google? and your online habits? please sit down, log in to your Google account and see if you are using a list of Google services, you know you are and how much information to Google.

Login to Google account after the "my products"

(Note: this map products varies from person to person, as long as your Google account login when using a service, it is automatically added to this list. )

  These services have given rise to a lot of privacy concerns. End 09, Google CEO Eric Schmidt · once said: "If you have some things do not want to let others know, perhaps you should have just don't do it. "(This word sounds quite like a little" never reached that reach will be arrested ". )

  Now let's take a look at how Google is collected from you to collect your information.

  Google information collection channel

  Google's mission is: "the integration of global information, so that everybody can benefit everyone." It was also very good to honour that promise. However, Google is collecting information seems to be better than we realize.

  1. search (Web pages, pictures, news and blogs, etc)-we all know, Google is the world's most popular search engine, its global market share of nearly 70% (for example, the United States accounted for 66% of the local community). Google tracks all of the search, its search mode now also more personalization, personalized is bound to become more and more refined.

  2. click on the search results of Google not only to know-we're looking for something, it also knows what we click on the search results. (Editor's Note: this does SEO friends should be very clear that you can know from Google Analytics. )

  3. Web search-Google's Web crawler Googlebot is a tireless bee, ever "appraisal" and contains billions of Web pages.

  4. Web analytics-Google Analytics is by far the most popular Web site analysis tools. Because its free and supports many advanced features, a large number of websites around the world are using it.

  5. advertising-Google Adwords and Adsense are financial success, but they also give Google provides a lot of valuable data. Internet users click on those ads, advertisers in the competition which keywords and which keyword is most valuable and so on. This information is very useful.

  6. email-Gmail is one of the three major email services, faces from Microsoft Hotmail and Yahoo Email. The message content, including send content and receive content that is available to resolve and analysis. Even from a security perspective, this is Google's a excellent service. Google message security services – Postini, Gmail users from mass, receive super large amounts of data, including spam, malware and email security trends data. (Editor's Note: in 2007, $ 25 million to 600 million Google price purchase Postini Web security service providers, as Google's small business customers with a better email security services. )

  7. Twitter-"you said there's Twitter messages are", the words used to explain the rapid dissemination of early network (also known as a "network blast red phenomenon"). In 2009, and Twitter deal, Google can directly access all message on Twitter.

  8. Google application services (document, e-forms, and calendar)-Google's Office suite with many users, it certainly is Google's a data collection sources.

  9. Google publicly personal information-Google encourages you to keep your personal data on the network, such information includes your active in which social networking sites (Facebook, or Linkedin), your personal home pages and online images and so on.

  10. Although the Orkut-Google social network also is not very successful, but Orkut in Brazil and India still have a lot of success. (Editor's Note: why haven't you can see a successful? this article Bole online: the Google social network why has not succeeded. " )

  11. Google Public DNS – the end of the year Google2009 DNS service is not just to help Internet users get faster DNS resolution, also help Google themselves. Because from this service, Google can get a lot of statistical data, such as Internet users visited which sites.

  12. the Chrome browser-Chrome can collect your browser behavior, and have access to the Web site.

  13. Google Finance-apart from the financial data, user search in Google for financial information and use of information is an important data Google.

  14. YouTube-this is currently the world's largest and most popular video Web site, all for Google. It also to the Google offers a wide range of user viewing habits.

  15. Google translation-help Google improve its translation and natural language parsing.

  16. Google Books-although it is not very large, but has the potential to help Google understand the Internet reading habits and they want to read anything.

  17. Google Reader-now is the world's most popular Feed reader. What you subscribe to RSS feeds? what are you watching? Google will know Bo-Wen.

  18. Feedburner-many blogs are using Feedburner to expose its RSS feeds. Google track Feedburner link for each article.

  19. Google maps and Google Earth-you are interested on what? (Google will know)

  20. your contact network-your GTalk and Gmail, and so on, make up a complex user network. If they all use Google, network mapping more profoundly. Although we do not know if Google is doing this, but this data can be collected.

  21. upcoming Chrome OS, Google-more likely to succeed.

  22. has just launched the near-instant search and services such as Goo.gl

  23. already extinct-Google Wave, etc. (though died, you should die before collected some data. )

  Because Google's products and the numerous, the above list will be expanded. Until now, you should already know the essentials.

List of Google services

  (Google collected) these data, many of which are anonymous, so it is not always correct. Logs can be saved for nine months, service-related cookies can retain 18 months. Even so, for most companies, Google is in the hands of the general user data remains a great competitive advantage, is a veritable mountain.

  Google-one cannot stop data collection machine

  Google data collection there are a number of ways. Login to the site generated IP address request is used to set and track goals of cookie. If you login to Google account, your Google affiliate Web site, usually can and your personal account, instead of your computer.

  In short, if you use Google services, Google will know what you're searching for, what Web sites you visited, what have you been watching the news and blog, and so on. As Google adds more services to their exposure are more extensive, almost everything is the so-called "Google".

  Editor's Note: the "Googlization of Google" in 2003 by ohn Batelle and Alex Salkever work together to create the word.

  Your use of any single Google services contributed data, you do not need too much annoyed about this. When you use multiple Google services that really interesting quandary began. This year, who is not?

  You can try a week on the Internet without Google's on any of the services. In other words, no YouTube, Gmail, Google Docs, not without clicking on the link, no Feedburner Google search engine, and so on. Strictly speaking, you don't even have to circumvent and Google have the cooperation of the service, so we are very sorry that Twitter can't use, (Editor's Note: regardless of whether you use a ladder, YouTube and Twitter were not available)

  This growing Google in May was the reason why some people don't want to use Google Chrome OS. Because Chrome OS can be a powerful integration of Google's various services, and is likely to Google on your habits of unprecedented magnitude data.

  Google why do it?

  Just like in the beginning of this article, information is power!

  With this information, Google can be a very effective way to consolidate data. In addition to per-user or visitor, Google is also able to the entire city or country detection trends and behaviour.

  Google collects information from a wide range of uses. In the field of all active Google, the collected data can be used to establish market decisions, research, perfect products, etc.

  For example, if you can proactively identify specific market trends, you will be able to respond effectively to market. If you can find people by seeking and required, you can make decisions based on these findings. Of course, it's like Google is such a big company is extremely useful.

  But we also don't forget that most of its income from Google ads. Google, the more you know, their commercials to more effectively service you and this also on Google's bottom line has a direct impact.

  Not only is (Valley) brother to do so

  Have to say is that Google is not only a company doing this kind of data collection. Please be assured that Microsoft also used Bing and Hotmail do similar things, this is just one example.

  Google (if you want to call it the "problem"), it is like a large octopus, its tentacles are extended to every corner. Google has become so promiscuous, include our online life, our (e) action, behavior, and relationships, quantity of unprecedented information are gathered into the hands of Google.

Google is the Octopus?

  Visit the Google database

  Praiseworthy is that Google is through a variety of services to take advantage of its collected data to provide you with the service.

  1, Google trends

  2, Google Web site trends

  3, Google search parsing

  4, Google advertising programs

  5. other issues such as the Wonder Wheel such search tool

  If Google cannot be published so much data, you can imagine the amount of data, there are Google know how deep the degree of detail. But these services can provide more to Google's data, such as we are interested on what are the trends, we are looking for which Web sites, etc.

  When using these tools, such as Google trends, discover an interesting phenomenon: we almost know everything, but is unable to know Google's own products. For example, "Goolge advertising plan" and "Google Web site trends" does not display information on Google's own site, but you can find information on other sites.

  This comparison has the ironic! Goolge advertising plan yesterday "," update 2010 9 month Top1000 website of "global" data, you can see Facebook and other sites of the monthly independent visitors number and the number of PV, but you do not see Google's Web site data.

  There is no free lunch

  I wonder if you have ever thought, why almost all the Google services are free of charge? well, you now know the answer. Or that old saying: there is no free lunch. You probably do not have to pay Google (click on Google ads), but you have to pay information. Although this is not necessarily a bad thing, but you should know something about this and attention.
