
Google launches Google Instant Previews feature

  Google today in their search product adds a new feature that Google Instant Previews (Google instant preview). This function allows the user to search page page directly as thumbnails preview each search result instead of a point on the search results page of a Web page link.

  When a user searches Google, move the mouse into the search results, or click on the magnifying glass icon, users can in a short period of time the search results on the right side spaces see website preview picture. In addition, Google also will appear above the thumbnail, display a search box keyword important text information.

  Google announced that it has global synchronization on its search service upgrade, global Internet users will see this "instant preview" feature, allowing users to search result page directly displays the "snapshot", and let each search time savings of 2 to 5 seconds.

  Google said that the introduction of this feature is intended to help users avoid unrelated websites or interface not the taste of the Web site, the user at the same time enhance the user experience at Google search.

  However, Google's search for the current HTTPS does not increase this function.

  Previously, Google has launched Google Instant features, the service is available during user input search box, depending on the user's browsing history and habits, and constantly forecast search content and real-time search results displayed, without having to wait for input complete or click on the "search".
