
Android: Google to hand over its competitors offered as a gift?

Google certainly immersed in the recent Android beyond the iPhone shipments among the joyful.  This is a very amazing trend.  But in order to compete with Apple smart phone market, Google may regret their own development strategies adopted by mobile phone.  In order to "win" a victory of the iPhone, Google may be very unwise to train a large number of people recognize only the money, do not recognize the hardware developers mercenaries, who the highest bidder, who gave their services, whether you are a Google, Baidu, or Microsoft's Bing.

Of course, Google knows the importance of the mobile Internet.  A large part of Google's revenues are coming to rely on advertising on mobile devices.  This is also their allies and then - Apple, a key factor in the evil dry.

 To effectively blocking Apple iPhone, Google's business model for Android has done some important choices.  They imitate Microsoft's Windows Mobile models, as most hardware companies to provide mobile operating system.  However, unlike Microsoft, Google is relying on advertising for a living, not selling software.  Google Android does not need to rely on authorization for a living, they need only to Android to bring them to the search traffic.
 Therefore, Google decided to use Android to take it who use it.  OHA (Development Mobile Alliance) and it has been established.  Traditionally the most difficult to build a mobile phone link - to the power of developing a mobile operating system, not only become easier, but also free of charge.  Google has also open source code.  Apple, you wait and see!  Sure enough, the hardware vendors are scrambling to catch the boat Android.

This opens Android to the iPhone's big attack.  And Google does not need personally, OHA's younger brother who swept the overall fight against Apple's trivia.  The results we all know, Android in shipments beat iPhone.  All this, Google strategizing sidelines, while the search traffic has exploded.

 But Google may soon find a few little brother to help him vandalism is likely to be more evil than Apple.

The first case of trouble from China.  Google China launched the beginning of the mainland market, staying in Hong Kong.  OHA younger brother started a few other services to replace the Google service.  Because Android is open source, so this was not problem.  Baidu and Google's competitors are also negotiating with several developers, smart phones, so they use Baidu's service.

Make Google more headaches, the war may have burned out home.  Microsoft recently Verizon cooperation, several Android mobile phone's default search engine set to Bing.  Manufacturers have joined, Motorola recently announced Citrus is a search engine with Bing Android phone.  (Ifanr Note: Android to Motorola back to life, but a head of Motorola's anti-bone, a little gratitude do not know about the business world, the interests of the first bar)

Yes, the above-mentioned are Google's mobile operating system.  They are also in the Apple, Microsoft, Nokia, and RIM shipments wins battle in a place.  But Google did not earn a penny.  Because the operating system is free, and all search revenue to Microsoft's pocket.  (Ifanr Note: Microsoft since last year to recruit a large number of Android developers)

What was that situation?  Growing in low profit handset manufacturers and network operators in the eyes, their most valuable is what kind of things can appear in the upcoming mobile phones, such as search engines.  This is the Google on mobile Internet in the future a place must be controlled.

Google is losing the battle.  As we all know, Google to become the default search engine on the iPhone, the amount they pay to Apple more than 1 billion dollars per year!  OHA's younger brother are of course aware of this.  They soon realize that they need Google, but Google need them.  Then they will auction the default search engine on the mobile phone license.  Google this is not the slightest fight back.  They can only open their wallets to buy, and this will not be a cheaper number.

 Although Google has won the shipments of war, but how to conquer the mobile search business, and keep the profit point, this is a problem.
